Automate Azure with Powershell and Python

In today’s fast-paced cloud computing world, efficiently managing your cloud resources is crucial. Microsoft Azure offers various automation services that can help you manage, plan, and control your cloud ecosystem more effectively.

Two popular methods to automate Azure tasks are using PowerShell and Python. They both provide powerful scripting capabilities to interact with Azure’s feature-rich management APIs.

As you dive into Azure automation, you’ll come across services like Azure Automation Runbooks and Managed Identities. Runbooks enable you to automate tedious and error-prone tasks, whereas Managed Identities simplify the process of granting permissions and managing access to Azure resources.

By leveraging these services, you can avoid the need for manual intervention, reduce operational costs, and minimize the risk of human errors.

Start by utilizing Azure Portal to configure your automation accounts, set up environment variables, and manage permissions. Then, explore PowerShell and Python for automating tasks, and begin creating runbooks tailored to your requirements.

Don’t forget that implementing managed identities can enhance security by eliminating the need to store sensitive credentials in your scripts. Embrace Azure’s automation offerings and unlock the potential of efficient cloud management.

Automate Azure with Powershell

In this section, we’ll talk about automating Azure using Powershell. We will mainly cover two sub-sections: Understanding Powershell Runbook and Powershell Scripting.

Understanding Powershell Runbook

Powershell Runbooks are a key component of Azure Automation, allowing you to automate various tasks within your Azure environment.

They are essentially Powershell scripts that can be run on-demand or on a schedule, making it easy for you to manage and monitor your resources.

A few features of Powershell Runbooks include:

  • Process Automation: Automate repetitive tasks and processes to save time and effort.
  • Automation Runbooks: Create and manage a library of runbooks that can be executed on demand or on a schedule.
  • Runbook Parameters: Define parameters to customize the execution of your runbooks.
  • Runbook Worker: Execute runbooks on a worker process, ensuring that your resources are not impacted by the runbook execution.

To get started with a Powershell Runbook, you’ll first need to install Powershell 7.2 on your system and then use the Connect-AzAccount cmdlet to connect your local environment to your Azure account.

Powershell Scripting

Powershell scripting plays a crucial role in automating Azure processes. It allows you to interact with various Azure services and resources through commands and scripts.

With Powershell scripting, you can create, modify, and manage your resources with ease.

When creating a Powershell script, you’ll often need to define variables, functions, and conditions to control your script’s flow and behavior.

This will allow you to customize your script to suit your specific needs and automate tasks more efficiently.

As you develop Powershell scripts for your runbooks, consider the following tips:

  • Use the Automation Powershell Runbook type for general purpose tasks that don’t require specific runbook features.
  • For more complex scenarios, consider using Powershell Workflow Runbooks, as they offer advanced features like checkpoints and parallel processing.
  • Always test your scripts thoroughly before publishing the runbook to ensure it executes smoothly.
  • Keep track of the Published Version of your runbook, as it represents the version that will be executed when the runbook is run.

In conclusion, automating Azure with Powershell is a powerful and efficient way to manage your resources and processes.

Through the use of Powershell Runbooks and scripting, you can automate tasks, save time, and ensure a consistent and reliable experience for managing your Azure environment.

Automate Azure with Python

Integrating Python with Azure

With Python, you can easily automate Azure tasks and streamline your workflow. To get started, you’ll need to install the Azure SDK for Python which provides libraries and modules to interact with Azure services.

Once installed, you can use Python scripts to manage resources like virtual machines, resource groups, and more.

For example, you can create a Python script to automate the provisioning of an Azure Virtual Machine. First, define the input parameters such as subscription ID, resource group, and virtual machine name.

Then, use the libraries provided by the SDK to create and configure the VM. Throughout the process, remember to handle errors and exceptions to ensure smooth execution.

The process of integrating Python with Azure can be done by setting up a local development environment or using Azure Cloud Shell.

Whichever method you choose, keep your scripts organized by using GitHub repositories for version control and collaboration.

Python Scripts

Python scripts can be used for various management tasks in Azure, such as creating resource groups, deploying virtual machines, and configuring resources, to name a few.

These scripts often help production environments by automating repetitive tasks and reducing human error.

To create and manage an Azure Virtual Machine with Python:

  1. Import libraries and modules: Import the necessary Azure Python libraries and modules for the task. from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient
  2. Define input parameters: Create variables for your subscription ID, resource group name, and other necessary details. subscription_id = "your-subscription-id" resource_group_name = "your-resource-group-name" vm_name = "your-vm-name"
  3. Authenticate and create a client: Use the DefaultAzureCredential class to authenticate and instantiate a ComputeManagementClient. credentials = DefaultAzureCredential() compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)
  4. Create or manage resources: Use methods provided by the ComputeManagementClient class to create or manage resources such as virtual machines. result = compute_client.virtual_machines.begin_create_or_update( resource_group_name, vm_name, vm_parameters )

These are just a few examples of how Python scripts can be used to automate management tasks in Azure. With a combination of the powerful Azure SDK for Python, well-structured scripts, and configuration management practices, you can streamline your workflows and make your Azure environment more efficient and robust.

Managed Identities

Role of Managed Identities

Managed Identities play a crucial role in authenticating and securing access to your Azure resources. These entities eliminate the need for storing and managing credentials manually.

They provide automatic and secure token-based authentication to various Azure services, allowing you to focus on your application’s functionality rather than handling authentication complexities.

Azure offers two types of managed identities: System-assigned and User-assigned. System-assigned identities are created and managed by Azure and are tied to a specific resource, such as a virtual machine or an Azure Function.

In contrast, User-assigned managed identities (UAMI) are created as standalone Azure resources and can be assigned to multiple resources within an Azure subscription.

Authenticating with Managed Identities

Authentication using managed identities involves obtaining an access token from Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and presenting it to the required Azure service. Azure AD manages and signs these tokens, ensuring their validity and security.

To set up managed identities for your resources, you can use Azure PowerShell cmdlets. First, make sure you have the required AZ modules installed.

You can then use New-AzRoleAssignment to assign a managed identity to a resource group in your Azure subscription. For example:

New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId <ManagedIdentityObjectId> -RoleDefinitionName "Contributor" -Scope "/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupName>"

After assigning a managed identity, you can use the Set-AzContext cmdlet to set the context for your PowerShell session, specifying the subscription and Tenant Id:

Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId <subscriptionId> -TenantId <tenantId>

When using managed identities with your application, consider applying the least privilege principle to minimize potential security risks.

This means assigning appropriate permissions – and only those necessary for the managed identity to perform its tasks – to the service principal associated with the managed identity.

In Python, you can use the DefaultAzureCredential class from the azure.identity module to authenticate and obtain access tokens using managed identities.

This simplifies the authentication process, as the class will automatically use the managed identity assigned to your application when running on Azure.

With Managed Identities, you can streamline and secure access to Azure resources, making it easier to build and manage applications using Azure services.


Runbooks are an essential part of Azure Automation, helping you manage your Azure resources more efficiently by automating repetitive tasks using PowerShell or Python scripts.

In this section, we will discuss creating and managing runbooks, as well as running and testing them. By the end of this section, you will have the knowledge necessary to utilize runbooks effectively in your Azure environment.

Creating and Managing Runbooks

To create a new runbook, navigate to your Azure Automation account and click on Runbooks. From there, you can select Create a new runbook.

You will need to choose a runbook type, as well as provide a name and description for your runbook. Runbooks can be created using either PowerShell or Python.

Managing runbooks involves organizing them in Azure Resource Groups and also handling their permissions, variables, and modules.

You can establish connection strings, set virtual machine (VM) names, and even allocate reader access permissions to users of the runbooks.

One helpful feature while creating runbooks is that you can import existing scripts using the:

Import-AzAutomationRunbook cmdlet.

Additionally, don’t forget to publish your runbook using the Publish-AzAutomationRunbook command.

Running and Testing Runbooks

Once you have created your runbook, it’s essential to test it thoroughly before executing it in a production environment. The Azure console provides a way for you to run and test your runbooks, ensuring they function as expected.

When running runbooks, be aware of runbook parameters and how they are utilized in your script. For example, you may need to supply the name of your Azure Storage account or the name of the VM you want to start or stop.

To start a VM, you can use the Start-AzVM command, while Stop-AzVM is used for stopping a VM. Keep in mind that regularly testing and maintaining your runbooks will ensure their efficiency and reliability in managing resources.

By using Azure Automation runbooks, you can automate tasks like starting and stopping virtual machines, managing connection strings, or clean up resources based on predefined schedules or events.

With the help of runbooks, managing your Azure account becomes much more streamlined and efficient, allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your workload.


In this article, we discussed automating Azure using PowerShell and Python, along with managed identities and runbooks. By leveraging these tools, you can effectively manage your Azure environment.

To begin with, you can create an automation account in Azure, which allows you to manage and monitor Azure resources and services.

Automation accounts provide a centralized location for storing, securing, and sharing your automation scripts, configurations, and runbooks.

To automate various tasks in Azure, PowerShell and Python are excellent scripting languages. They offer a wide range of powerful cmdlets and libraries for managing Azure services.

Whether you’re working with virtual machines, storage accounts, or web applications, PowerShell and Python can help you simplify and automate your Azure management tasks.

Managed identities allow you to authenticate to Azure services without having to manage your own keys and secrets. By assigning a managed identity to your automation resource, you can grant it access to Azure resources.

This simplifies the authentication process and enables a more secure way of accessing Azure services.

You can use different roles, such as contributor, reader, or custom roles, to manage the level of access your automation account has to specific Azure services. By granting only the necessary permissions, you can maintain strict security and compliance within your environment.

Finally, runbooks play a vital role in the automation process. They are sets of tasks written in PowerShell or Python that are executed within the context of an automation account.

You can schedule runbooks to run at specific intervals or trigger them based on conditions or events in your Azure environment.

In conclusion, by utilizing these tools and techniques, you can more efficiently manage your Azure resources and services, while saving time and reducing the risk of errors. Embrace the power of automation to simplify and enhance your Azure experience.